When you are camping with kids there are some things that make it much easier. Here are some tips and tricks to help keep everyone comfortable and safe in the woods.
- Bring Water Guns – Having water guns not only are a form of the game tag or many other games. It also helps in keeping everyone entertained and cool as well. The hot sun can be uncomfortable sometimes and the evaporative cooling that comes with a good old-fashioned water fight can help that.
- Bring Small Snacks – Having fun is so easy to do when you are out in nature. Running and playing can build an appetite but who has time to sit and eat? Small ziplock bags of healthy snacks can keep kids energized without stopping any of the fun.
- Bring a small Tarp or Rug – Small toys seem to be every kid’s favorite thing to bring. Make sure nothing gets lost or stepped on, by bringing a tarp or rug that all small toys must be kept on at all times. Not only does this contain the mess but it makes clean up that much quicker.
- Camp Toys – Toys that replicate camp activities not only allow your kid to learn camp basics but also allows them to be a part of what’s going on. Having Their own camp stove and tools will teach them so much. (See Video Below)
- Glow Sticks – Using glow stick necklaces at night are not only fun but can help in locating and identify everyone. My sons favorite color is green so every night he puts on his green glow stick. Not only can we find him but we know it’s him from the green glowing neck.

6. Teddy Bear – always make sure your camping list has your kids comfort items from home. That security blanket or teddy bear could make the difference in how everyone sleeps that night, and how crabby everyone is the next morning!