When it comes to camping gear there is a ton of options on the market. There is also a ton of camping gear that is very unnecessary for anyone starting out. This is a list of camping gear that will help get you started and keep you safe and comfortable in the woods.
When it comes to shelter most people will start off in a tent. Tents are very easy to set up and offer the most privacy in the woods. It is basically a small bedroom for you to keep your belongings and rest your head at night.
I suggest your tent should be one of your most expensive items. A good tent can really make or break your camping experience and they also hold their value pretty well. If you buy a good tent it will keep you dry and comfortable not just for the night but for years to come.
The size of your tent depends on the size of your family or group that you plan to share the tent with. I suggest your first tent be slightly bigger than you think you need. A family of 3 should have a 4 person tent. A family of 4 should get a 6 person tent and so on and so forth. The gear you start out with is going to be big so having room in your tent to set up and store the gear is going to make you a lot more comfortable.
Find a tent that is big enough to comfortably move around in, when all members of camp are in the tent with you. Being able to get to the door without climbing over too many people is something to keep in mind. Especially for the middle of night potty breaks.
Sleeping Gear
Sleeping gear is one of those things that you will constantly be upgrading to smaller and lighter options. When starting out focus more on comfort than anything else. A good night sleep in the woods is one of the most rewarding things in life.
Feeling refreshed and rested the next day is going to make your trip a ton more enjoyable. So make sure you bring an Air Mattress that you enjoy using at home. If it is comfortable in your guest bedroom it will be comfortable in the woods (for the most part).
Also, make sure to bring a sleeping bag or enough blankets to keep yourself warm in temperatures well below what the weatherman says. Temps can drop at night and not having a heater to warm things up makes your sleeping bag a very valuable piece of gear. Blankets can also be used just make sure to lay blankets below you as well as on top. The air in your mattress can get quite cold so insulating with blankets can help keep in the cold in the mattress and the heat with you.
When it comes to camping pillows just bring what you have. A good pillow really does make sleeping a lot more enjoyable and bring what you already have is going to suit you just fine in the woods. Just make sure you are ready for it to get a little dirty. Pillowcases are a lot easier to clean than pillows themselves.
Eat drink and be merry. The best part of camping is all the good foods you get to eat. Smores and hotdogs are always some camp favorites. Anything cooked over the fire seems to be a very rewarding treat in the woods. Always have a backup plan. Bring a small stove or other ways of cooking. Making fire isn’t always the easiest and cooking over it can be a chore as well.
Make sure to bring lots of snacks and treat options. You will be burning more calories than you are used to being outdoors. The fresh air and running around can really make a person hungry. Having fast no-cook options really make relaxing a lot easier but also having a warm cooked meal is very rewarding. Bring things that are easy to make at first and as you get more comfortable in the woods the better your meal options will get.
One of the things that you will need is a cooler with ice. Having a way to keep your drinks cold for the whole trip is a must. I suggest anyone starting out just getting a Coleman cooler. Unless you are going out for a long week long trip the Coleman will work just fine.
Camping Gear Must-Haves
When it comes to packing camping gear I try to walk through my house and make sure I have the things I need in each room. I start where I start every morning, in the bedroom. I make sure I have a bed, blankets, pillows, clothes.
Next is, of course, the bathroom. I make sure I have toilet paper, soap, shampoo anything that is going to keep me clean and comfortable.
I then move into the living room. The fire becomes the TV I make sure I have fire starting materials along with fire lighting devices. Camp chairs become the couch and or lazy boy.
Last I go to the Kitchen. I make sure I have plates, bowls, spoons, forks, knives, pans, stove, utensils. Anything I will need to not only cook but also eat my meals. I also look at the fridge that becomes the cooler. Anything I use daily in my home I make sure to add it to the camping gear list.
There is a long list of camping gear that you will need with you in the woods. Here is a list of what I would bring also the things you don’t use every day in the home like bug spray. –> https://newageselfreliance.com/camping-list-beginners-2
Also for a list of gear options –> https://www.amazon.com/shop/wolfpackwoodcraft?ref=ac_inf_hm_vp