Ahhh, spring is in the air! The itch to get back on the trail is definitely getting stronger, and while, there is still snow on the ground, there are a few things to get gear ready for the year. Here are four pieces of gear I look over every spring: pack, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pillow. All of our gear can be found here.
Head over to your closet and let’s pull your gear out!
Check for any damage
The first thing when pulling your gear out of storage for the season is to look it over for any damage that may have been missed when putting it away for winter. For instance check your sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pack for holes or tears. Subsequently, if you find a hole it can be patched before being in the middle of the woods, on a sinking sleep pad. Always keep extra patches on hand for inflatables. A sewing kit is also good to keep on hand for sewing straps back on securely or sewing a tear in a sleeping bag up.

Check for gear left behind
Secondly, it’s always good to go back through your sleeping bag and pack to make sure nothing was left behind. There could be a Darntough sock hiding in the sleeping bag or a spork in the bottom of the pack, for example. Finding something thought to be lost in your gear can be like Christmas in spring.

Air it out!
Your gear has been locked away in a closet all winter, hang it outside (when rain isn’t in the forecast!)! I like to hang our packs, bags, and pillows over the porch railing to let the spring air freshen it up. It feels cleaner, no longer smells musty and builds the anticipation for the first campout of the year!

These are three tips to get camping gear freshened up and ready for the year! Let me know in the comments below what you do in the spring to get your gear ready! Also, don’t forget to check out other tips and tricks here.