How to use a compass on easy mode is all about finding your way home. I will share me easy mode tips and tricks to make sure you are always safe and can easily find your way even without being a compass master.
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The 10 C’s of Survivability
We have already gone over the original 5 C’s of Survivability. Now we will cover the next 5 C’s that will better round out your kit. The 10 C’s of survivability are how I start off every kit or list of gear I need. Each piece of the 10 C’s kit is very important to have on you when out in the woods.
Candling Device – Having light can turn any situation into a much safer more relaxed environment. Being able to see what you are facing is huge in any situation and having the ability to have the sense of sight in a dark area makes basic movement that much easier. I usually always carry a flashlight on me whether it’s just a small one in my pocket or a much larger more powerful one in my pack or vehicle. One of the best options for in camp is a headlamp, wearing a headlamp allows you to light up whatever you are looking at while still having both hands free to perform task around camp.
Compass – Having a compass that points north and helps you find your escape route is very important. Just as important is knowing your area and having a plan so when things don’t go as planned you have a general direction to head to avoid major threats. knowing which direction the highway is or a major river makes the compass that much more of a tool to help aid you in self-help or self-rescue. Also, having a compass with a mirror and magnifying glass makes your compass a very versatile piece of kit.
Cotton – Having a cotton bandana is a very important and useful piece of kit. It can be used to help in first aid, filtering water, can be turned into char cloth, protects from the sun and the wind, and when wet it can be used to help cool you down on a hot day. There are tons of uses for a cotton bandana and the uses are extended if you choose to carry a shemagh which is basically the same thing only larger.
Cargo Tape – Having Cargo tape I prefer Gorilla Tape can aid you in many ways as well. It can help with repairs, help waterproof holes in tarps or clothes, can be broken down into a flammable tinder bundle, not to mention all the other things that can be made out of tape such as bowls and cups.
Canvas Needle – Having a sail needle doesn’t seem like a very important piece of kit to carry but it can perform in many different ways. Having a sharp sail needle can be used to help dig out slivers or splinters, it can also be used to punch holes in leather, or start a hole in a piece of wood to start carving out a bow drill set. If the needle is magnetized it can also be turned into a compass to help find your north/south line to help aid in finding your way back to camp.
Having all 10 C’s allows you to have all the tools needed to find your way, shelter in place, or safely navigate through the woods. So all of my kits Start with the 10 C’s which are Cutting, Combustion, Container, Cordage, Cover, Candling device, Compass, Cotton, Cargo tape, Canvas needle. These basic pieces of gear will help keep you safe and somewhat comfortable in the woods. also by having pieces that serves more than one purpose can help you that much more, such as a compass that also has a mirror.